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2007.10.19. 18:59
Anthony s Everly Bear:
 Anthony elmondta, hogy az Everly nv zenei ihlets: az Everly Brothers adta az tletet, akik mindigis AK egyik kedvenc bandja voltak. A Bear pedig az anyuka, Heather tlete volt, s Anthonynak is nagyon tetszett. Az nekes azt is elmondta, hogy a baba nagyon nyugodt s bks, gy mg aludni is tudnak mellette. "We had a long list of names, but suppose it came to me by way of the Everly Brothers, which is one of my favorite bands. And sometimes last names make good first names. The mama came up with Bear. That made sense to me because he's from me and I feel like I'm part of the bear clan, and I think it's nice to have a little bit of earth in your name. Being a father is different, it's much different. I sleep when I can, but he's letting me off pretty easy so far. He's a very calm and peaceful kid."